Friday, January 15, 2010

Which flag?

Debate was had as to whether we should keep her documented on mainland USA, or register her in the USVI, or as a BVI boat and avoid the import duties, or on the Small Ships Register in the UK. We decided in the end to go for full British Part 1 Registration. These are the reasons:
1. British flag did not require the Bill of Sale notarised, just signed and dated, so now we have title.
2. BVI Coastal Craft and USVI Registration, although cheaper, are not proof of title.
3. Coastal Craft would not permit us to travel beyond the Virgins
4. For the price of a BVI "Coastal Craft" we could get full British flag.
5. No longer may one register a boat on the SSR if you cannot prove residence in the UK for the majority of time.
6. British flag is renewed every FIVE years, everywhere else is ANNUAL.
7. We preferred a British flag in case we have to return to Europe.
8. British flag give us nationality, title, and military protection.

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